Scientific Publications:
[32] García-Román, J., Gracia, P. & Zerbini, G. (2024) 'Cross-National Differences in Adolescents’ Sleep Patterns: A Time-Use Approach'. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. PDF
[31] Baranowska-Rataj, A., Gracia, P. & Schulz, W. (2024). 'Introduction to Analytical Framework on Families’ Resilience and Youth Well-Being in Contexts of Global Socioeconomic Crises'. Demographic Research (Collection in progress).
[30] Nordrum, E. & Gracia, P. (2023). 'Impacts of Broadband Internet on Adolescents' Academic Outcomes: Heterogenous Effects among Lower Secondary School Students in Norway'. Information, Communication & Society. PDF
[29] Bohnert, M. & Gracia, P. (2023). ‘Digital Use and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Adolescent Well-Being: Longitudinal Evidence on Socioemotional and Educational Outcomes’. Journal of Adolescence. PDF
[28] Metzger, S. & Gracia, P. (2023). ‘Gender Differences in Mental Health following the Transition into Parenthood: Longitudinal Evidence from the UK’. Advances in Life Course Research. PDF
[27] Gracia, P. (2023). ‘Children's and Adolescents' Daily Activities: A Micro-Macro Approach’. In Sullivan, O. & Bittman, M. (Eds.). "Research Handbook on Time-Use and Society". Edward Elgar (forthcoming).
[26] Han, W.H., Gracia, P. & Li, J. (2023). ‘Parental Work Schedules and Hours in 29 European Countries, 2005-2015: A Welfare State Comparison’. In Repo, K., Tammelin, M. & Eerola, P. (Eds.) "Families with Children in a Turbulent Era". Edward Elgar (forthcoming).
[25] Gracia, P., Bohnert, M. & Celik, S. (2023). ‘Digital Inequalities and Adolescent Mental Health: The Role of Socioeconomic Background, Gender and National Context’. In Skopek, J. (Ed.). "Research Handbook on Digital Sociology". Edward Elgar. PDF
[24] Cano, T. & Gracia, P. (2022). 'The Gendered Effect of Divorce on Mothers’ and Fathers’ Time with Children and Children’s Developmental Activities: A Longitudinal Study'. European Journal of Population. PDF
[23] García-Román & Gracia, P. (2022). ‘Gender Differences in Time Use Across Age Groups: A Study of Ten Industrialized Countries, 2005-2015’. Plos One. PDF
[22] Gracia, P., García-Román, J., Oinas, T., & Anttila, T. (2022). ‘Gender Differences in Child and Adolescent Daily Activities: A Cross-National Time Use Study’. Acta Sociologica. PDF
[21] Gracia, P. (2021). Review of Ellen Helsper: The Digital Disconnect: The Social Causes and Consequences of Digital Inequalities. New, Media & Society. PDF
[20] Chambers, D. & Gracia, P. (2021). ‘A Sociology of Family Life: Change and Diversity in Intimate Relations.’ Polity Press. Link.
[19] Bohnert, M. & Gracia, P. (2021) ‘Emerging digital generations? Impacts of child digital use on mental and socioemotional well-being across two cohorts in Ireland, 2007 – 2018.’ Child Indicators Research. PDF
[18] Gracia, P., Han, WJ, & Li, J. (2021). ‘Nonstandard Work Schedules in 29 European Countries, 2005-2015: Differences by Education, Gender and Parental Status’. Monthly Labor Review. PDF
[17] Gracia, P., García-Román, J., Oinas, T., & Anttila, T. (2020). ‘Child and Adolescent Time Use: A Cross-National Study’. Journal of Marriage and Family. PDF
[16] Gracia, P. (2020). 'Children's Time Use'. In D.T. Cook [ed]. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies. Sage. PDF
[15] Gracia, P. & García-Román, J. (2018) ‘Child and Adolescent Developmental Activities and Time Use in Spain: The Gendered Role of Parents’ Work Schedules and Education Levels’. European Sociological Review. PDF
[14] Gil-Hernandez, C. & Gracia, P. (2018). ‘Adolescents' Educational Aspirations and Ethnic Background in Spain: Evidence from Students of African and Latin American Migrant Origin’. Demographic Research. PDF
[13] Gracia, P. & Ghysels, J. (2017). ‘Educational Inequalities in Parental Care Time: Cross-National Evidence from Belgium, Britain, Denmark, and Spain’. Social Science Research. PDF
[12] Roeters, A. & Gracia,P. (2016) 'Child Care Time, Parents' Well-Being, and Gender: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey.' Journal of Child and Family Studies. PDF
[11] Gracia, P., Vázquez-Quesada, L., & Van de Werfhorst, H. G. (2016). ‘Ethnic Penalties? The Role of Human Capital and Social Origins in Labor Market Outcomes of Second-Generation Moroccans and Turks in the Netherlands.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. PDF
[10] Gracia, P. & Kalmijn, M. (2016). ‘Parents’ Family Time and Work Schedules: The Split-Shift Schedule in Spain.’ Journal of Marriage and Family. PDF
[9] Gracia, P. (2016). ‘Social Stratification and Parental Care: An Analysis of the Spanish Case’. La Caixa Obra Social Foundation. Link
[8] Gracia, P. & Esping-Andersen, G. (2015). ‘Fathers' Child Care Time and Mothers' Paid Work: A Cross-National Study of Denmark, Spain, and the United Kingdom.' Family Science. PDF
[7] Gracia, P. (2015). ‘Parent-Child Leisure Activities and Cultural Capital in the United Kingdom: The Gendered Effects of Education and Social Class.’ Social Science Research. PDF
[6] Gracia, P. (2014). ‘Fathers’ Child Care Involvement and Children’s Age in Spain: A Time Use Study on Differences by Education and Mothers’ Employment.’ European Sociological Review. PDF
[5] Esping-Andersen, G., Boertien, D., Bonke, J., & Gracia, P. (2013). 'Couple Specialization in Multiple Equilibria.' European Sociological Review. PDF
[4] Gracia, P. (2013). Review of: J.Treas & S.Drobnic [eds.] [2010]. ‘Dividing the domestic. Men, women and household work in cross-national perspective.’ European Sociological Review. PDF
[3] Gracia, P. (2013). ‘Parenting and Inequality’, in Christina Inbakaran and Marie-Louise Van Der Klooster (Eds.). "2012 Time Use". Melbourne: Deakin University. PDF
[2] Gracia, P. & Delclos, C. (2012). Review of: William J.Wilson [1987]. ‘The truly disadvantaged: The inner city, the underclass, and public policy.’ Athenea Digital. PDF
[1] Gracia, P., & Bellani, D. (2010). ‘Las políticas de conciliación en España y sus efectos: un análisis de las desigualdades de género en el trabajo del hogar y el empleo.’ Fundación Alternativas - Estudios de Progreso. PDF