Research Themes:
My current research focuses on three main areas:
1. Socioeconomic Inequalities in Child Outcomes
2. Adolescent Well-Being and Digital Lives
3. Gender Gaps in Time Use and Mental Health​
Current Funded Projects:​​
* DIGINEQ: Digital Time Use, Adolescent Well-Being and Social Inequalities (2024-2029)​. PI: Pablo Gracia; Funder: European Research Council, Consolidator Grant Award; Grant: €2,000,000. ​
* NONWELL: Consequences of Nonstandard Work Schedules for Parent and Child Wellbeing: A Cross-Country Study (2023-2025)​. PI: Jianghong Li & Matthias Pollmann-Schult; International Collaborator: Pablo Gracia; Funder: DFG, German Research Foundation; Grant: ~ €200,000.​​
* DIGYMATEX: Establishing A Comprehensive Understanding and Taxonomy of Children's Digital Maturity (2020-2025). ​PI: Marco Hubert; TCD Partner Leader: Pablo Gracia; Funder: European Commission, Horizon 2020 / -SC6- TRANSFORMATIONS-07-2019-RIA; Grant: € 3.5 million (total); €226,000 (team). ​
Recent Selected Funded Projects:​
* Gender Inequalities in Mental Health across Parenthood Transitions: A Life-Course Approach (2022-2024)​. PI: Sandrine Metzger (PhD researcher awardee); Senior PI & Supervisor: Pablo Gracia; Funder: Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship; Irish Research Council; Grant: €55,000.​
* Social Inequalities in Child Time Use and Development in Ireland: A Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Approach (2020-2023)​. PI: Melissa Bohnert (PhD researcher awardee); Senior PI & Supervisor: Pablo Gracia; Funder: Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship; Irish Research Council; Grant: €72,000.​
* Researching and Promoting Positive Adult and Child Mental Health and Wellbeing in Lone-Parent Families (2019-2023)​. PI: Cadhla McDonnell (post-doctoral researcher awardee); Senior PI & Mentor: Pablo Gracia; Funder: Irish Research Council, European Commission; Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions, IRC COFUND (CAROLINE); Grant: €220,000.​
* Social Inequalities, Children’s Activities and Child Development: A Longitudinal Approach (2018-2023).​
PI: Pablo Gracia; Funder: Provost Project Award, Trinity College Dublin; Grant: €104,000.